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Trigonometry - Episode 2 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoliers)

This episode sees the trio get closer together, despite at the beginning, trying to deny their desire for one another. Episode 1 shows Ray getting panicked about going in the water and later trying to face her fears head on but can’t. Gemma whose kitchen is failing and gets a visit by her dad questioning her life choices. AND Kieran, who starts to feel neglected as Gemma and Ray spend more time together without him with his job, which gets him stabbed and put in hospital. Ultimately, this brings the trio together and the episode ends with Kieran proposing to Gemma. 

I am loving Trigonometry so far; the honesty and genuine human connection is touching to watch. I was gob smacked when Kieran got stabbed, because you are rooting for him to marry Gemma, but also wanting the trio to just get it over with, but that anticipation and tension building will be to satisfying to watch when they all finally give in. I love the way the episode is directed, but feel the story only progressed a little bit in his episode, despite the stabbing, I felt I wanted more to happen in this episode, or more indication of what is going to happen next, but having said that I am excited to watch the rest of the series!

What We Learnt:

  • Gemma and Kieran pretend the sexual tension between them, and Ray never happened

  • Ray has a job as a model, but it is an underwater shoot and she has a panic attack

  • Gemma’s estranged dad visits her to cross examine her life choices and asks if Kieran has proposed to her yet

  • Kieran helps a pregnant woman who has fallen over and calls her an ambulance

  • Gemma spends some time with Ray, crying over their soup from happiness 

  • Gemma cuts Rays hair

  • Whilst in the kitchen, Gemma suggests Kieran should check Ray out to help with the panic attacks as he suffered with them after we left the military

  • Kieran gets calls to a house, but the elderly lady has passed and covers her up

  • Kieran and his colleague get called to a job but run into some muggers who attack them.

  • Kieran gets stabbed with a knife and kicked in the jar, whilst people steal medicine from the ambulance

  • Ray drives Gemma to the hospital 

  • Kieran’s foster parents are at the hospital and are the only ones allowed to see Kieran as Gemma or his sister aren’t noted as his next of kin

  • Ray brings Gemma some clothes whilst she is at the hospital, but ask Ray to wait with her for a bit

  • Kieran wakes up and Ray helps him have some water, Gemma is ecstatic that he is awake

  • Ray goes to the swimming pool, but ends up not going in

  • Ray helps fix up the shop whilst Gemma is at the hospital

  • Kieran texts Ray to ask her to get the wedding ring out of the piggy bank 

  • Gemma and Kieran drive back from the hospital, but Gemma is suspicious at Ray has decorated the shop with candles

  • Gemma says to Kieran ‘but you don’t believe in all of this’ (weddings) and that’s only when a relationship goes into crisis 

  • Kieran proposes to Gemma and confess their love for one another. 

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