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Tiger King - Episode 7 RECAP (The Finale) 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoliers)

After binge-watching 5 hours of Tiger King (I already watched 2 the other day) it was finally the finale episode! The build-up thus far had been incredible, and I would say it is an entertaining documentary that takes the audience on a journey and when you think you know what is going to happen or know the people you get surprised! There are so many different storylines that could make its own spin off doc like Carol’s Baskin’s missing husband Don Lewis. I feel like the last two episodes were more like the finale as we didn’t learn as much new information in this episode. We learnt that Joe was found guilty of al 19 counts and was sent to jail where he is spending 22 years. Jeff Lowe and James Garretson, although they had a part to play in the realisation and creation of the plot to kill Carol, they got off scot free!

I do feel sorry for Joe, because on one hand it does look like he has been setup, but on the other he had such a hatred for Carol would be go that far to kill her? One thing is for sure, I do NOT like JEFF LOWE, he seems like the type of person to help you up from a fall, but then will push you in front of a bus! The FBI went to Joe’s G W Zoo and found tiger bones and it is thought that the FBI tried to find other counts to put against Joe during the trial as the count for murder had thin evidence. I do feel sorry for Joe, although I do recall how he had treated people before and he isn’t to dissimilar to Jeff by doing whatever he can to survive and it doesn’t matter who he tramples on regardless if it is his mother or late husband.

This docuseries highlighted that there was little evidence, which was all questionable and I think it should have been looked into more, especially with Jeff and James and their contribution to the plot itself. Joe said that Jeff said if he wanted rid of Alan from the park was to pay him $3,000 but was twisted to say Joe paid Alan that money to kill Carol. In the end Joe said he doesn’t car who he takes down from the zoo kingdom, he had a secret storage facility with files of evidence on the exotic animal network and the offences taking place. Joe must have known something like this was going to happen, which is why he kept the files on other people safe to call on if anything did happen, but I guess we will just have to wait to see if anything else does happen.

What we Learnt:

· Jeff who has a wildlife zoo has become partners with Jeff to build the new zoo

· Jeff was working with the feds and they found the bones of 5 tigers and they dug up loads wildlife charges

· Joe said the animals were sick and he euthanised them

· James said his idea for the new zoo but Jeff said no I won’t put your name on the zoo even though he helped him out

· James said Jeff helped put the murder together

· Joes trial started

· The people who are close to joe as his prosecution and the feds contacted them all to say whose side are you on

· Carol took to the stand as a witness

· Joes ex-husband, John testified against him for both charges

· James also took the stand and said he knew about the plot

· Jeff Lowe was involved but he didn’t testify

· There were mixed stories and Alan said he went to Florida, but joe said that it never happened

· Joe went on the stand and said he wanted to testify

· Joe said he got text from Jeff to say give him $3000 to give Alan to go away

· Jeff set up the whole thing to get joe in jail

· Jeff said he recorded the call to get joe sent to prison

· Joe by the jury was found guilty of all 19 accounts

· Carol and her husband were thrilled that he went to prison

· Jeff’s wife has a baby and they hire a nanny a good looking one so he can have her round the h


· People have said they have evidence to incriminate Jeff but there has been no proof

· Joe has a storage facility where he keeps documents and hardrives with information that incriminate other people

· Joe meet with PETA to give them this information to shut these people down

· Documents included animals trafficking and abuse

· Doc Antle gases tiger cubs and cremates them when they get too old

· Joe said he would testify but it looks like revenge

· Tim and Jeff start bickering as he was footing the bill as Jeff doesn’t actually having a lot of money

· Tim began to talk to joe and then PETA

· Was Joes love for the animals real or fake for the cameras?

· 22 years I prison

· Big cat safety act not passed

· Doc Antles zoo got raided in 2019

· 5,000-10,000 tiger live in captivity in USA and only 4,000 in the wild

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