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Tiger King - Episode 4 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoliers)

When you think you know all there is to know about the Tiger King this docuseries brings in more characters to further complicate the story. This episode introduced Jeff Lowe the ‘godfather’ and savour of the zoo, after Joe Exotic lost all his money to Carol Baskin in lawyer fees. Joe decided to rename his channel Big Cat Entertainment and use the same logo as Carol’s park, so that he would appear higher in google searches than her, so Carol sued Joe over copyright. This didn’t stop Joe as he continued to antagonise Carol, which lead to more lawyers and a whole court case, which ended in Carol’s favourite where Joe owned her 1 million in assets.

Obviously, Joe wasn’t going to let Carol take or own his park, so he transferred a lot of his assets in other peoples names, like his mother and husband John, however Carol went after them too, which left Joe’s nearest and dearest bankrupt! I am a little disappointed at Joe for this, his own mother! When Jeff got in touch with Joe it looked like things were looking up, but Jeff being the clever con man that he was got the park signed into his name, which left Joe with nothing! We start to understand more of Joe’s character and the different sides to him in this episode, as it isn’t all good, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him although he clearly brought it on himself.

What we Learnt:

· Joe is in jail saying Carol is making money off him and vice versa

· Carol has many filling cabinets dedicated to joe

· Joe turned his channel into Big Cat Rescue entertainment so that he would appear on the google search before carols zoo website

· Carol sued joe for copyright

· Joe employee rick to make a reality show

· Joe wanted to become famous

· Joe spend more time with the battle with carol then his cats

· Joe put a video up shooting a blow-up doll with carol on

· Joe received a picture of carols volunteers with battered dead rabbits smiling

· Carol says the photo was because the volunteers were about to feed their favourite cat as they couldn’t afford a lot of meat at these times

· Joe did protests outside carols rescue asking to find Lewis who went missing

· Joe paid 1 million to carol as she sued him, but she wanted everything is assets

· Rick was negotiating making a reality show with joe it came to a halt

· The studio burst Into flames and it was arson and all the footage they had taken for the reality show had perished

· Crocodiles were also in the studio and burned

· Joe offered a reward for anyone with information on the arson

· Carol said to have offered rick the producer $20,000 to burn the footage

· The reality had loads of footage of joe and the zoo documenting every day and Joe thought rick was going to sell it to carol

· Joes husband said there were suspicions joe did it

· Rick had a contract with joe claiming to own all the footage of the reality show and joe’s internet channel

· Joe went to his lawyer who asked where the footage is kept and if they had any copies, alluding to the idea joe get rid of the studio and footage so it couldn’t be sold

· A lot of people think the burnt building was a scam

· Carol has spent over 1 million in legal fees against joe

· Carol sued everyone who had a connection with joe

· Carol bankrupt joes mum so she made a go fund me video to get help and bay leafs were coming to her house to take her possessions

· Joe shoved paperwork into his mums face and asked her to sign it and she didn’t know it was going to end with her being bankrupt

· Joe began breeding cats again to make money

· Joe also has to pay to feed the animals

· Joe then had to contact carol to mediate the legal fees and have a deal

· Jeff Lowe seen as the godfather as the investor for the zoo to help joe out and save them

· Jeff and his wife Lauren are swingers and used cats to entice women in to have sex with

· Joe bowed down to Jeff and his lawyers suggested to put the zoo in jeffs name which he did

· Jeff stole the zoo!

· Jeffs nasty side came out when joe changed the name of the zoo to jeffs

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