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Tiger King - Episode 3 RECAP 💎💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoliers)

After episode 3 picked up where the previous episode left off. Did Carol Baskin murder her missing husband? Don Lewis has been missing for 22 years and there has been no conclusion to his disappearance, although there are many contributors in this episode who suggest it was Carol who killed him, and Joe Exotic who goes that bit further to suggest Carol fed Don to the lions! This episode is particularly interesting because it side-tracks to Carol’s story, but also invites new contributors including Don’s ex-wife and kids, Don’s attorney and his business partner. It is very clear that there is a lot of conspiracy in this episode from Don saying ‘If I pull this off’ – what off, going missing? Carol, on the other hand, is collecting Don’s will and rewriting it so that in the case of his disappearance she owns all the land, which seems highly suspicious.

Regardless if this episode digresses from the main story, I think it is a nice refreshing break that builds up the audiences understanding of Carol’s history and her character. I think the documentary does well to ask as many people there opinions as possible, so that it is not just Joe and Carol’s bias hatred towards one another. It is only episode 3 and I am hooked!

What We Learnt:

· 20 years ago - the murder of carols husbands - Don Lewis

· Don mention his life might be in danger

· Ex-wife says Don was afraid of carol and was going to divorce her

· The call came in as a missing adult

· 1981 carol meet Don when she was 20 and he was 40 and he had a wife and kids

· Back when Carol meet Don she was crying walking the streets after fighting with her husband

· Don drove and said to carol get in the car and she said no and then he pulled around again and had a gun on his chair for her to hold at him if he did anything and they talked

· Carol spend the night with Don

· Don told his wife and kids he was leaving them for the blonde lady known as Carol

· Don called carol angel

· Don wasn’t an easy man and was a multimillionaire and would spend his money but he didn’t like that

· Joe has carols diary and read it allowed on his channel

· Don would bury gold bar maybe worth 7-20million

· Carol lived in mobile home

· Carol was raped at knife point when she was 14 and was very poor. Parents were Christian so she left home at 15 and married at 17 and had a kid

· Carol went to auctions and brought cats because they were going to be killed for taxidermy, they created an exotic cat park called easy street and was like a zoo, brought, sold and bread cats

· Make pets from them and taking them from their mother to raise them as domestic

· Carol wanted the chats to have and love Don wanted to breed them and they started fighting and he went to Costa Rica and but he had a girlfriend there to

· Don and his wife married at 17 and 14 and he was a roaming eye and cheating

· Don was preparing to divorce her and he was trying to set it up so that carol would not get anything

· Don filed a resigning order as he threatened to kill him and had a gun and took his and it was denied because there was no evidence just hear say and free speech

· He wrote the letter in June but went missing in August

· Carol said she never threatened him, and he said he was going to go to Costa Rica

· Did he fake his death? If I pull this off it will be the slickest thing I ever did

· Ariel searches over the wildlife park and they found his van by an airport with the keys still in it but they don’t know if it was planted

· The cops took the van back to easy street and left it a few days before even being checked by them. Could carol have contained or cleaned it?

· The cops went to the Costa Rica but didn’t find anything

· Don owned a lot of plane’s but they were too small to take him to Costa Rica

· Did he buy a plane to help him get there because all his planes would have been noted if went missing

· Carol said Don lost his pilot’s license the day after he got it and would fly illegally under the radar so did he do that?

· Carol said he had several plane crashes and she said after the last one he started forgetting his memory but everyone else says no

· After a year and a half investigating, they never had any suspects

· Don attorney thinks Don was killed and when asked who he smiles and says we won’t get into that

· Joe exotic made a music video called here kitty kitty with a lookalike carol and had her feeding body parts to cats

· Joe said that if you feed tigers turkeys there is no bones in their pooh everything g is digested

· Joe said carol had a meat grinder and that the cops should have DNA tested it but they refused

· Another theory is that carol put Don body in the Septic tank under the ground of one of their buildings

· Carols brother was a sheriff in the police department

· Carol was supposed to be going and getting milk from a shop at 3am in the morning but her car broken down and she saw her brother the sheriff and they took her back to her place

· Carol didn’t get on with all her family and her dad, Vernon, didn’t like Don

· Carol went to Don office and took his will and redrafted it so that it said if he disappeared Carol would have all the land

· Carol got rid of everyone who worked for Don and anything he owned

· Carol claimed he was dead after 5 years of him missing

· The daughters and wife think carol murdered him but no proof

· Don never had a funeral or memorable

· The daughters only inherited 10% of Don estate and carol got the rest

· Carol made a video about getting rich

· Carol met her next husband 2002 and he married her 2 years later

· The daughters feel that the police didn’t investigate enough but their prime suspect was carol but no proof

· After the daughter spoke out they got a note from carol threatening them to stop as if they don’t she will take everything from them which is why they haven’t spoken out since as they are scared of her

· The episode ends with joe on the phone in prison saying he will take carol on as everyone else is scared to

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