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Tiger King - Episode 1 RECAP 💎 💎 💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

Joe Exotic owner of GW Exotic Animal Park set up the park in 1999 and has 200 big cats. Joe is the foreground character in Tiger King, opening with his blonde mullet, eyebrow ring and baby tiger perched on his lap. It follows that, there has been a long-standing feud, starting in 2006, between Joe and animal rights activist Carol Baskin, who also owns an exotic park called Big Cat Rescue. Additionally, Doc Antle who is the owner of private zoo T.I.G.E.R.S is in on Joe’s side of the feud. 

What I love most about Tiger King is that the filming technique of leaving the camera running or running before the interview is great, as it is capturing what these people are really like. Joe banters with the interviewers saying the audience will be scared if he takes his hat off to see his mullet. Carol suggests in her interview she kneels down to get the lion in shot. Antle commandeers the shoot to suggest the camera team go up to the door and Antle answer, let them in and give them a tour. I think it is great, because it allows the audience to judge their characters more by seeing their natural behaviour instead of acting for the camera. 

The feud between Carol and Joe is a joke! They both must love to hate each other, because that’s what they have spent 14 years doing. I understand both points of view, however, how Joe treats his cats and the love they show him compared to Carol is evident. I think it is shocking how America are allowing these people to keep masses of exotic animals in the first place and in that sense, I agree with Carol that they are all ticking time bombs, her included!

 What We Learnt:

  • Open with Joe Screibvogel, aka Joe Exotic, on a telephone call from prison saying he has been threatened with 79 years in jail

  • Joe is the owner of GW exotic animal park

  • Joe employees’ people who are ex-convicts or have nowhere else to go and who have a love for big cats

  • Joe hosts a live stream every night  about his day at the park on Joe Exotic TV

  • Former television reporter Rick Kirkham began to produce Joe’s TV show 

  • Feud between Joe and Carol Baskin started in 2006

  • Carol is the owner of Big Cat Rescue, which is a sanctuary and rescue centre for big cats 

  • Joe has two albums I Saw A Tiger and Star Struck, 28 songs and 16 music videos

  • Joe began to go into school and do ‘don’t do drugs’ talks but realised the kids were interested so started to introduce his animals into the mix

  • Joe after the success of the shows at schools began to travel to malls and deliver shows with the animals but with added magic

  • Carol sent millions of emails to the malls along with other animal rights activists and got the malls to close down Joes shows

  • Doc Antle is introduced who also owns an exotic animal park, simply called T.I.G.E.R.S

  • Doc was on Joe’s side, however Carol teamed up with People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

  • Doc’s animals have been used for films such as Ace Venture: Pet Detective, The Jungle Book and Dr Dolittle 

  • Joe has received advice from Doc on how to market and promote GW Park, he offers experiences to stroke baby tigers

  • There had been an incident where a man had a private zoo and let all the animals loose. Carol thinks this is just one ticking time bomb that went off and more to come 

  • As the incident mean exotic animals running loose, they were found and shot, and then stricter rules came in about owning exotic animals

  • Carol is ‘brainwashing’ people in believing that Doc and Joe are hurting the animals 

  • The Sherriff thinks Joe could be a problem as Joe made an indirect threat that if anyone came to touch his animals, he won’t not let anyone take them away 

  • Carol made an animal abuse line

  • Joe got pretty nasty and he said he was going to send poisonous snakes to Carol for her birthday and did because when she opened up the letter box there were snakes coming out 

  • Joe buys guns and often goes out to shoot them

  • Telephone conversation of Joe in prison 

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