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Snowpeircer Episode 2 - RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

This episode progressed a little further, but because this series is being released bit by bit I’m not sure how many episodes there are and do think this would be a series better binged to keep up with all of the murder investigation being unveiled. This episode didn’t have any twists like the previous, but we got to see the characters develop quite a bit more and I do love Jennifer Connelly!

What We Learnt:

  • After the events where the tailers tired to revolt the men are put to sleep in the train prison

  • Additionally, Andre Layton (Daveed Diggs) continues with the investigation into the murder and gets to see a post-mortem of the dead body

  • Layton is investigating the murder with ex police officer and train security Bess (Mickey Sumner)

  • Layton goes to a train club and meets his old girlfriend who he broke onto the train with, who took the change to move up train

  • Layton ex-girlfriend was the love interest of the dead guy

  • Bess and Layton conclude that the body was cut into pieces with cleavers and saws, the only place to have that on the train is the butchers

  • Layton and Bess try to have a look in the butchers freezer

  • The train is on a rough part of the track and the butchers try to bolt gun some cattle but through turbulence break a window and the whole carriage gets frozen, along with all of the meat

  • Layton and Bess manage to get into the freezer, and they find the remaining body parts to the dead guy

  • However, Layton figures out that the dead guy was also murdered by another person as well as the butchers because the cutting off of the dick was more vengeance

  • Miles (Jaylin Fletcher) is extracted from the tail along with a few other young tailers who are taken to be an engineer apprentice, but to fix the cattle cabin which is now frozen

  • Layton at night is locked in a cage but he escapes and manages to write down on a ripped piece of clothing the train layout and tries to give it to some tailers being escorted back to the tail, he doesn’t succeed

I didn’t think this episode moved on too much, I do predict that Miles will probably die, or he is significant in some way. I’m not sure who murdered the dead guy, but I think Bess has a thing for Layton. The episode was a bit disappointing after episode 1 had elements of action and twists in. Like I said before, however I think if the whole series was released at one time I would be able to keep up with it more than when it is being released bit by bit.

Streaming now on Netflix.

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