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Quiz - Episode 2 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

This episode was less entertaining than the first, as with Adrian (Trystan Gravelle) hiding out in a caravan in the forest and pretending to diagnose himself with a hat, which was a tad too over the top! The scandal continued as Diana (Sian Clifford) calls upon the help of contestant Tecwen (Michael Jibson) to help her husband, Charles (Matthew Macfadyen) cheat the game all the way through to the 1 million pounds! Paul (Mark Bonnar) and David (Elliot Levey), the programme makers, think something is wrong as Charles begins the game rubbish and then turns it around by winning the top prize. The programme makers and channel get the police involve and revoke the payment, Charles and Diana get arrest and go to court...Which leads up into the final episode!

What We Learnt:

  • Adrian is living in Wales in the forest somewhere

  • Charles gets onto the show, but is not fast enough at the fastest-finger-first but practices

  • Charles manages to get into the chair

  • The television workers think something is fishy

  • Charles starts our terrible and used two of his lifelines on the first questions

  • In the dressing room Diana and Charles say they need to discuss their strategy

  • Dianna calls Tecwen a contest going to be waiting on the show during Charles time in the chair

  • We don't hear the phone call, but he cheats for Charles

  • Tecwen starts coughing as Charles reads out all the answer to help him answer the questions

  • Diana starts coughing to help her husband win the answers

  • There is a conspiracy between the programme makers that Charles is cheating the game on set

  • Charles keeps making his way up the chain until the million-pound question

  • Charles keeps changing his mind and reading out all the answers until he is hearing coughing

  • Tecwen doesn't know the final answer and asks another contest next to him

  • Charles overhears the answers and plays it and wins 1 million dollars

  • The programmes makers, floor manager, sound mixer and Chris Tarrant (Michael Sheen) are all shocked

  • Diana and Charles celebrate and go to the hotel

  • The sound mixer gets David to listen to the tapes and they discover a pattern in the coughing

  • The programme makers and channel meet

  • Tecwen goes into the chair next the programme makers say he isn't special but don't know it was him

  • Paul goes to the hotel room and hear Diana is writing a book about how to get onto the show

  • The programme markers discuss whether they should cancel the cheque or wait for them to cash it, but it might be entrapment

  • 911 is broadcast on the TV in the office

  • They call the police and call Charles saying they think there were suspicions about the playing and said they wouldn't broadcast the programme and revoke the cheque

  • Diana thinks the call is a hoax but after she calls the number back it is David and expresses, she thinks it is a wind up

  • Diana pushes Charles to have a press interview about winning the money as they won it and people should know about it

  • David said they need to make a statement about Charles cheating to counter this

  • The police look at the tapes

  • The police go to Charles and Diana's house and search the house and arrest the couple

  • The courtroom defendant team said to think of it as all coincidences and that Tecwen and the couple had never met before and coughing was happening throughout the whole show

When Charles won the million-pound question, I got Goosebumps, I think the tension in this episode was played out really well and even knowing what happens I was on the edge of my seat. I know the programme is a drama, however some moments in this episode seemed hammed up, which I wasn't a huge fan of and think it distracted away from the style of the programme, also a weird shot of Charles in the foreground and Tecwen in the background will split focus seemed odd out. I enjoyed this episode and watching the drama play out the real event. I am only confused to why they needed to add the 911 TV incident into the picture as I didn't see this add to the story, as well as the programmes makers saying they weren't going to air the show, but I remember watching it. Hopefully everything will become clear in tomorrow night's final episode.

Catch up now on ITV Hub.

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