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Noughts + Crosses - Episode 6 (Finale) RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

So, this episode was the finale! I have to say I think the writing and story generally starting to go downhill within these last two episodes, because Callum’s (Jack Rowan) character just wasn’t the same person in my opinion. It was so frustrating to see Callum’s story arch completely change within one episode to go from hating Sephy (Masali Baduza)to wanting her back because she is pregnant with his child. YES, I said it Sephy is preggers! The mixed message in this itself really annoyed me, because Callum only decided to get back with her because of the pregnancy, or that’s what it came across like.

It is probably worth catching you up. After Callum left the Jude (Josh Dylan) and Liberation Militia (LM) they crashed a party at a newspaper company who were celebrating 100 years, the head of this company was Stormzy…not literally but physically acting! I thought he gave a great performance and was pleasantly surprised. Anyway, the LM cause a riot, police come and attack one of their people who then die which rile up the LM even more. Sephy and Jasmine (Bonnie Henna) leave Kamal (Paterson Joseph) and their lovely house to lead new lives away from the lies, they stop off at Meggie’s (Helen Baxendale), which is where we discover from Sephy running quickly to the toilet that she is pregnant. During this commotion Yaro (Luke Bailey) tries to get a paper to publish his story about being the illegitimate son of Kamal, but the journalist (through Kamal’s instruction) shut him down and turn the tables to convince the public he is lying.

It follows that, Jude and Callum have some weird brother rivalry trying to out man each other, during an LM discussion about their next step to take Kamal down. It is then decided that the LM are going to kidnap Sephy and hold her hostage, which Callum agrees to be the bate to lure her in. They trap Sephy, put a call out to Kamal asking for him to step down as Prime Minster and for 1 million pounds. During the LM devises this plan, Callum is left to baby sit Sephy, they fight, she stabs him with a shard of glass to escape and in the end, she tells him that she is carrying his child. You would think this would be dramatic, however, I think the writing here was really far off the mark. When Callum pushed Sephy up against the wall and said I could kill you if I wanted, she should have replied what, and your child. Instead, They fought, Callum went out the door and as it was closing, she shouted about the baby, however it wasn’t very clear that he heard what she said…until later when he comes back to her with his tail between his legs.

Kamal, in the meantime, teams up with the police to find the LM and Sephy, Kamal resigns and meets with Jack (Shaun Dingwall) to hand over the money. Being the double-crosser that he is and creating chaos for ‘the cause’, Jack decides he wants Sephy dead regardless. Jude hears this and has a sudden change of heart to help Sephy escape. Callum and Sephy try to escape and Jude helps them holding a gun to Jack, however when distract we hear a gun shot and only assume the worst. Finally, Kamal finds out about the pregnancy when meeting Callum and Sephy on their last sprint home, Sephy steps in front of Kamal’s gun and they run off into the sunset together.

What We Learnt:

  • Stormy can act!

  • The LM attack a newspaper company with baseballs bats, including Jude and Callum

  • Sephy and Jasmine run away from Kamal and their home and go to Meggie’s

  • Yaro goes to the papers about his story about being the son of Kamal, however, is shut down

  • Kamal asks the newspaper to print a story about Yaro lying and they do

  • Sephy runs to the bathroom and throws up, Meggie asks if she is pregnant

  • The LM plot against Kamal and suggests taking Jasmine, but Jude suggests Callum is not up for the job because of his ‘friendship’ with Sephy

  • Jack decides they should take Sephy instead and Callum agrees to the plot

  • Yaro goes home, but first meets with Kamal who gives him some money

  • Callum meets with Sephy, she tells him she loves him, and then other men come and kidnap her

  • Jude and other LM boys make Sephy read out a random request

  • Kamal gets the request and calls the police and they track the IP address

  • Jasmine goes back to Kamal and they call in Meggie, because Callum was the last person who Sephy called

  • Jude leaves Callum in charge of Sephy in the jail

  • Sephy tries to escape but can’t and harbours a sharp of glass as protection, which she later stabs Callum with

  • Callum and Sephy have an argument, leading to Sephy confessing she is having his baby

  • After some time thinking it over Callum comes to his senses and tries to escape with Sephy

  • Kamal quits as Prime Minster and makes his way to meet Jack to give him the ransom money

  • Jack tells the LM boys, including Jude, that they will kill Sephy regardless to make a point

  • Kamal meets Jack and gives him the money and is told he must wait for Sephy

  • Shortly after Kamal runs in to collect Sephy anyway

  • Jude tries to help Callum and Sephy escape as he knows they want her dead now, (duh) but Jack comes down

  • Jude holds a gun to Jack to let Callum and Sephy escape, as they do a gunshot goes off

  • On their escape Callum and Sephy bump into Kamal who holds a gun to Callum

  • Sephy steps in front of the gun, telling Kamal she is pregnant, and he lets Callum and Sephy go

  • Kamal goes back to the house and tells Jasmine and Meggie that Sephy is alive but not coming back

  • Callum rings Meggie later to say he is Sephy are okay

  • Callum and Sephy run away together

I was a little disappointed in this episode for Callum’s very strange intentions, although the ending is pleasing. Having read stuff online I saw Callum was killed in the books, which makes me definitely want to read them! The programme makers have left the series open to have another one, but whether they do or not I don’t know. I can only comment on this episode to say that I think the story arch was odd and that I wish if the writers wanted it to go this way that they could have made the arch spread over the whole series and not contain Callum complete 180’ in the final episode! I felt that the ransom ending was also a little dry, I didn’t think it added to the drama and wish something else happened instead and finally the baby situation, I feel that the interpretation is that Callum only got back with Sephy for the baby and not for love, which is sad. Not the most satisfying of finales.

Catch up now on BBC iPlayer

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