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Noughts + Crosses - Episode 5 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

There was a lot of shouting in this episode and I began to get very angry myself, but for all the right reasons! There were some moments within this episode that I was hoping didn’t happened and was shocked and therefore angry, like when it was announced before the opening credits that Ryan McGregor (Ian Hart) had died in prison! The rest of this episode follows the aftermath of Ryan’s death and the conspiracy, which later is revealed to be true, that Ryan was murdered, and it was ordered by Kamal (Paterson Joseph). In addition, Meggie (Helen Baxendale) reveals to Sephy (Masali Baduza), Jasmine (Bonnie Henna) and Minerva (Kiké Brimah) Kamal’s illegitimate son Yaro (Luke Bailey), which leads the women on the attack.

Meanwhile Jude (Josh Dylan) convinces Callum (Jack Rowan) to join the Liberation Militia (LM). Enraged by the fear his father was murdered in prison Callum goes on a mission to discover the truth, which leads him to the nice guard’s house. Despite making a deal, Jack (Shaun Dingwall) comes in and shoots the guard saying it is Callum’s fault and they both burry him. Sephy, who is now reeling from her dad’s lies, decides that she wants to give her relationship with Callum a real chance, however Callum appears to have been brainwashed by Kamal and the LM to push Sephy away and become an accessory to terrorism.

What We Learnt:

  • Ryan was killed in prison and Meggie hears about it from the news

  • Meggie, Callum and Jude go to the prison but are told it was suicide and that they cannot see Ryan’s body

  • Sephy gets into the University she wanted

  • Callum meets with Sephy to suggest that it is her dad that might have ordered Ryan’s murder, but she denys it

  • Meggie is billed with Ryan’s body disposal and they are not allowed to see him or have a funeral

  • Kamal was asked to make a new government by the ruler of Africa and now is Prime Minster

  • Kamal tries to enforce stricter segregation laws

  • Kamal confesses to Sephy that he knew the true fate of Ryan’s death and told her he knows about her and Callum and that it would never work

  • Callum taken to meet Kamal who suggests that Callum will never make Sephy happy and she will live to resent him

  • Meggie meets with Yaro and convinces him to speak out against Kamal

  • Jude talks Callum into speaking to the LM

  • Jack gives Callum a address for him to go to in order to find the truth about Ryan’s death, but is told his must pay the price by taking a gun with him

  • Meggie and Yaro meet with Jasmine, Sephy and Minerva and come clean about Kamal’s lies, which Jasmine gives her blessing for them to take it further and take Kamal down

  • Jasmine has a heart-to-heart with Sephy and says she should follow her heart – meaning Callum

  • Callum goes to the guard’s house and finds out that the order for Ryan’s murder came from above

  • Jack comes into the house and shoots the Guard, regardless of Callum making a deal with him

  • Jack and Callum take the body and burry it in the woods

  • Callum goes home to Meggie, but pops outside to see Sephy, who confesses her undying love for him and how they should run away

  • A car comes round the corner, Callum says to Sephy it will never work and drives away with Jude and the LM

  • Meggie comes outside shouting after the car, standing in disarray with Sephy

I enjoyed this episode, although there was a lot of shouting, I think the tension could been played more internally than completely extrovert. The episode opening was completely shocking with Ryan’s death and I was shook! I was throwing cushions at the TV when Callum joined the LM even after Meggie said to him it would be a bad idea and his father would not want that. I was completely enraged by Jude’s character who just seems to be at the heart to all the pain caused in the series so far, he was the one that set off the bomb and let the dad take the blame and has continued to create terror with the LM, even to the point where he is getting his brother to join! I am excited to see what happens in the last episode, I am sensing however that there will be – and has to be – a second series!

Catch up now on BBC iPlayer

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