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Noughts + Crosses - Episode 3 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May contain spoilers)

I am continually impressed by this series and am absolutely loving it! I find it hard to pause to write these reviews as I am so eager to binge-watch the rest of the series (sadly 3 more episodes). During this episode we witness Callum and Sephy finally get it on! It is a curious thing their love, as Callum is less afraid to announce his love for Sephy to his mother and sister, which is more than what she has done thus far. Alongside Sephy and Callum’s invigorating love, rioting and parties within the nought community rage on, to the point where Callum unit is deployed to calm the locals down. Obviously, this does not end well, but after Callum quits, he meets Sephy in tears over his tough decision. It is here that I question the intention of the storytelling, as at first my interpretation of the series was to flip our understanding of race. However, by doing this, surely, we are beginning to feel sympathy towards white people more and thus defeating the object of the story?! I mean that is only one interpretation and having said that, I am still a massive fan of the series and felt this episode exhibited passion, fear and fight. 

What We Learnt:

  • Whilst in a lecture, Sephy stands up for noughts rights but is dismissed by her tutor and patronised by Kamal

  • The noughts celebrate on the streets during their Midsummer festival

  • Kamal tries to employ Jack to do his dirty work to get the PM out, but he is not his fool

  • Sephy suggests her and Callum should run away to Africa as they could live comfortably out there, and no one would take notice of them

  • Meggie catches Jasmine in the morning, drunk with a bottle in her hand, crying in bed hungover and unhappy

  • Meggie suggests Kamal should finally tell Jasmine the harboured secret about Yaro (Luke Bailey). 

  • Kamal talks to Jasmine, but says that he is aware of her affairs and hope his blessing for them to continue brings her happiness

  • On the contrary, Jasmine yells at Meggie for thinking she told Kamal of her affairs and fires her

  • Kamal tries to buy Meggie off by giving her 2-year worth of wages

  • The Liberal Militia (LM) have created a bomb and plan on blowing up parliament during the Midsummer festivities

  • Callum’s Mercy Point unit are deployed to maintain order and peace on the streets during the Midsummer festival

  • The soldier’s gun are meant to have blanks in but Lekan changes Callum’s barrel for real bullets when he is not looking, but Elaine sees.

  • Sephy decides to go to the Midsummer festival 

  • Jasmine overdoses on alcohol and pills, Meggie, who has come to give Kamal back is money finds Jasmine who is then hospitalised

  • Ryan re-joins the LM but on the condition that Jude is kicked out

  • Noughts create a havoc on the streets and Callum has to raise his gun to Jude, he shoots but Elaine barges his gun, so he doesn’t kill anyone

  • Callum quits Mercy Point and conveniently bumps into Sephy in the streets who comforts him, and they go back to his house 

  • Callum and Sephy have sex, FINALLY!

  • Meggie on her way back home bumps into Yaro, who alludes to the fact that he is an illegitimate son of Kamal’s, but his mum died which is why he has come back to confront Kamal for what he did to his mum (left her?)

  • Meggie arrives home and her thoughts are confirmed about Callum and Sephy, however she is not upset or disappointed by tells Sephy that Jasmine is in hospital

  • Meanwhile, Jude goes to the LM claiming he wants to prove himself and is tasked with placing the bomb - which still to this point we believe it is for parliament as per the plan

  • When Jude arrives home, Callum confessed that he is in love with Sephy, but is distracted by Jude looking at his phone. “What have you done?!” Callum asks in frustration. It’s the bomb! It was planted at the hospital

  • Callum and Jude rush to the hospital (which is unrealistic because surely the bomb would be close to going off and it would have taken a long time to get there, why didn’t Callum call Sephy) however, too late, the bomb explodes

  • The episode finishes in a cloud of smoke and an eerie numbed silence as figures emerge from the hospital hobbling, whilst Callum enters. 


Despite being excited over the progression of Sephy and Callum’s love, I was left questioning parts of this episode. Why are we feeling sorry for the white people? Why would Callum not ring Sephy to evacuate the hospital? Why did Meggie not really care about Callum and Sephy’s sexual encounter? I was left a little dry wondering these questions about the episode, and yes maybe you could say TV doesn’t have to explain everything or that it all makes sense in the film world. BUT, throughout the series, there has not been these types of questions raised about the storyline, to why the characters do these oddities, but more thought-provoking questions about racial segregation. I do feel that the series has displayed complex links between different characters, Kamal and Meggie’s secret, Jack and Ryan’s sudden happy reunion and Elaine and Lekan’s miraculous mutual understanding. I am looking forward to the next three episodes to see where the story will progress, because the one good thing about the series is, I’m not sure where it will go, I have a feeling it is going to surprise us!

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