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Noughts + Crosses - Episode 2 RECAP 💎 💎 💎 💎

(May contain spoilers)

I think this episode highlights how, regardless of race or gender, we ALL feel loss and we ALL can feel isolated, which is such a powerful message. I would, however, like to hear some more African dialect or accents, as it still feels very western, I feel if some of the Mercy Point soldiers spoke in African dialect, then surely, it would make the noughts feel even more isolated and segregated? Having said that, I am loving seeing some culture on our screens, the costume and singing, I feel I am being educated at the same time. This episode saw Sephy and Callum get riskily close! Whilst the Liberation Militia, ran by Jack is under threat by the government. 

What We Learnt:

  • After Danny’s death, noughts are protesting on the streets

  • Callum has his initiation ceremony/parade, where Kamal makes a controversial speech about staying separate, that “there is strength in difference”

  • Lekan suspects something happening between Sephy and Callum, finding them alone during the Mercy Point ceremony 

  • The Prime Minister, Opal, (Rakie Ayola) takes the advice from Kamal to arrest Jack (lead for the liberation militia - LM), but says she wants to begin a case looking into police brutality

  • Ryan stands up to his boss Mr Okonjo (Joe Vaz) as he wont let Danny’s dad have time off for the funeral

  • Sephy calls Callum and wants to meet in private, he suggests going south of the river to Sanctus, a place where they can have alone time together and wont be judged.

  • Lekan rings Sephy, but she explains she doesn’t want to meet him tonight as she is doing applications

  • Meggie suspects something is happening between Sephy and Callum, witnessing them both going out to ‘see a friend’

  • Jude is working with the LM, however police bombard in and arrest Jack

  • Before Callum ventures out to see Sephy, he gets an unexpected visit from a drunken Lekan, who asks him out for a drink but Callum declines. 

  • Lekan waits in his car, sipping alcohol from his silver hipflask, as Callum exits his house he follows him

  • Callum and Sephy meet and go into a secret nightclub, where couples from different races mix without prejudice

  • Callum goes to buy condoms, but to discover that Lekan has found them and is smashing up the dance floor, people are screaming and running. Callum goes back to the room to escape, when Lekan is kicking down doors

  • Tension builds as Sephy looks hesitantly through the door peep-hole, a noise distracts Lekan and he kicks down the adjacent door to discover, Mercy Point soldiers, Elaine (Jodie Tyack) a nought and Barnaby (Romario Simpson) a cross, having sex! 

  • Luckily during this time Sephy and Callum escape out the window

  • Later, Callum attends Danny’s funeral, although Danny’s mother doesn’t seem thrilled for him to turn up in his soldiers uniform

  • Kamal visits Jack in prison and tries to strike a deal as Kamal is after the PM’s job. “You want the prime minister gone, I want the prime minister gone”

  • Sephy breaks up with Lekan and he is NOT happy about it

  • After the funeral, Danny’s dad returns to work, but as he wasn’t allowed Ryan took it into his own hands to swap shifts, which results in Ryan being sacked

  • Elaine returns to Mercy Point after being found by Lekan to have had sex with Barnaby, she feels pushed out, but after Lekan mocks her, she bites back to him assuming Callum and Sephy’s affair. 


I am loving this series and cannot wait until the next and probably the next after that. Even typing up what happens per episode, or much happens! 

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