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Killing Eve - Episode 2 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

This episode again the pace was very slow, much slower than I remember the series before, maybe it will increase now that Villanelle (Jodie Comer) knows that Eve (Sandra Oh) is alive, and the cat-and-mouse storyline will begin again. Watching Villanelle’s character develop from series 1 to 3 there has been massive shifts in her personality and now we are starting to see Villanelle mature. She is trying to become managerial by becoming a keeper with the 12, but also seeing that when she is told about Eve being alive, she gets emotional again. Meanwhile Eve and Carolyn (Fiona Shaw) are trying to investigate Kenny’s (Sean Delaney) murder, however Eve tries her best not to get involve, whilst Carolyn in still grieving for her son doesn’t know if she can investigate a case so close to her.

What We Learnt:

  • Eve is at Kenny’s funeral when a guy tries hitting on her, saying that she is drinking too much

  • Konstantin (Kim Bodnia) is at the funeral

  • Kenny’s co-worker, Audrey (Ayoola Smart), is crying in the bathroom when Eve goes to the toilets and Carolyn joins but can’t stand hearing the crying so walks out

  • Geraldine (Gemma Whelan), is Carolyn’s daughter and talks to Konstantin at the funeral

  • Eve is drunk and Carolyn tries to talk to her, but Eve just screams in her face

  • Villanelle is in Barcelona looking at her new apartment, which Dasha (Harriet Walter) got her

  • Villanelle is told she will have to oversee a kill from a new recruit in order to get her promotion to know that she is up for the job

  • Villanelle says she has dealt with the Eve situation as Dasha says that they can not be like other people having relationships

  • Paul (Steve Pemberton) is shocked that Carolyn is back in so soon and they are trying to run a meeting at the same time

  • Paul tries to give Carolyn a pet talk about that she should take some time off to grieve but she doesn’t want to

  • Carolyn goes to visit Eve at her work, and tries to lure Eve in by showing that Villanelle is working and killing again

  • Kenny’s old colleagues track his phone back to Eve and she gives them the phone as long as she gets all the information of who he was looking into in it

  • Villanelle goes on a kill with Felix (Stefan Iancu) and she trains him, and they talk about killing for love

  • Konstantin purposefully bumps into Geraldine and gives her a London fridge magnet

  • Villanelle and Felix dress as clowns at go to a party to kill the target

  • Felix messes up the kill and Villanelle kills the target and Felix

  • Kenny’s colleagues get the files off his phone and they find photos of him and Audrey

  • Carolyn and Audrey meet to discuss if Kenny was happy

  • Carolyn shows her emotions crying after her sons passing and she says that she can’t investigate into his death but can’t drop it either

  • Eve goes to Carolyn’s house saying she wants to know who killed him and tells Carolyn she has Kenny’s phone

  • Konstantin hears this conversation through the fridge magnet that he gave Geraldine

  • Konstantin goes to Villanelle’s new apartment and tells her that Eve is alive

Overall a good episode, less killings and more about the characters a story, which is nice to see but the action element to why I loved the series in the first place has become forgotten. The pace has become slower, but I think/hope we will start to see this increase as Eve starts to have a fire under her arse again wanting to know who killed Kenny and Villanelle knowing Eve is alive will hopefully get the obsession going again, which we all love. I do love this series so much and cannot praise the first two series enough, however it does make me wonder that when there is something really great it should be left, instead of being over-done, which I feel like this could have a tendency to do. I am looking forward to watching the rest of the series but wonder if there will be another one after this.
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