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HUNTERS Episode 9 - RECAP 💎💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

What an explosive episode, this one alongside episode 7 were really thrilling and had me on the edge of my seat! I thought this was the finale episode, so was shocked when I realised through bingeing I still had one left and wondered what else they had to say. I thought the ending was a little annoying as The Colonel (Lena Olin) got a hidden gun out and tried to shoot Meyer (Al Pacino), but why would he not have guessed that she would have had a weapon on her person. I thought that the build up and suspense of the Hunters executing the scheme was fun and it felt more like a spy, thriller episode which was a nice change up.

What We Learnt:

· Starting the episode with a comical flashback to the American congress discussing hiding the Nazi’s in America, so that they can use their minds as a weapon against the USSR

· Sister Harriet (Kate Mulvany) goes to visit an old friend Patricia (Francesca Faridany) and asks her about the corn syrup and the virus and Patricia saying that the virus will be killed if put up 500 degrees and will burn it

· Jonah (Logan Lerman) figures out that the bombs were just a distraction and that the chemicals might have been shipped in from the ports – which is why they pasted the bill –

· Millie (Jerrika Hinton) finds out there in New Jersey there is a disused factory and think that is where the Nazi’s are building the corn syrup

· Biff (Dylan Baker) goes to see the person he called, which turns out to be Chief Grimsby (James Le Gros) – which is Millie’s boss – Grimsby was part of the scandal who helps Nazi’s into America and Biff wants his help to disappear again

· Millie is shown documents that have been signed by a Carmel Offie and the name rings familiar and she recognises it from Grimsby’s office – she goes to confront him finding Biff in the process –

· Millie points a gun at Grimsby and Biff and takes Biff with her, kidnapping him

· Travis (Greg Austin) returns to The Colonel and tells him that he killed all three of her sons, which she knew about but thought her last son would be standing in front of her telling her this

· The Colonel rewards Travis and there is a Nazi ceremony where it looks like he drinks milk infused with The Colonels fresh blood

· Meanwhile Harriet and Lonny (Josh Radnor) go to Schidler Corp and kidnap the factory manager, taking information from his, which Harriet does with a blowtorch to his balls

· The hunters plan to break into the factory and heat up the solution, so it gets destroyed

· Lonny acts as the factory manager and breaks into Schidler Corp, meanwhile Jonah and Joe (Louis Ozawa) jump out the back of Lonny’s truck and get to work

· The plan is for Lonny to make his way to the control panel and burn the solution, whilst Jonah plants a bomb in the bunker where the already made solution is storied. Joe and Roxy (Tiffany Boone) deflate the lorry tyres, Mindy (Carol Kane) is on the radio helping communicate with everyone, whilst Harriet is the look out with a bazooka

· Lonny does the job and tries to escape but is called back to salute the Colonel and Travis recognises his as he stabbed his a few episodes ago, but the machines start to break and spirt out acid

· Nazi’s go to the bunker for protection and get blown up by the bomb that Jonah planted as well as acid from the main room dropping through the vents and burning their faces

· Jonah follows Travis to kill him, but Millie catches up and tells him to do the right thing because that is what his grandmother would have wanted, and she can arrest him

· Biff that was in Millie’s car manages to escape along with the chaos of people running from the burning building

· The colonel begins to escape in a car, however that car is being driven my Meyer and she gets a hidden gun, trying to shoot him, which leaves them driving off a bridge!

I really enjoyed this episode I thought there was a lot to offer and I love watching a plan unfold, without knowing everything that they had planned, we were watching as they were doing it. The plan had the typical failures of the radio signal going dark and when Lonny was called to salute The Colonel, we are all screaming at the TV to let him get away with it, but he got found out, but though a shoot out it was resolved. I am so lost with Jonah’s story arch and I don’t have much time for his character!

Stream the full series on Amazon Prime Video.

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