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HUNTERS Episode 10 (FINALE) - RECAP 💎💎💎💎

(Definite Spoilers)

This episode was not high action or beefy in that sense, but in Jordan Peele (Get Out 2017 and Us 2019) fashion the were some juicy plot twists. I will also be honest, when I watched this, I was a little tipsy, drunk, so I was quite shocked more than usual I would say! I felt that this episode was more summing up everything rather than leaving on a punchy note and I feel like again, I have said this before, but the series could have been a lot shorter 6/8 episodes and made these major plot points more punchy and snappy, inevitably making the series more memorable. The major moment for me was between Meyer (Al Pacino) and Jonah (Logan Lerman) as I really liked Meyer’s character and Al Pacino’s performance was phenomenal, loved it, so to see a character die that you love and the one you don’t like live is very frustrating! Even if he was a Nazi.

What We Learnt:

· Flashback 1 year ago and Ruth (Jeannie Berlin) meets with Meyer tell him that she was out with Jonah and spotted a Nazi from the camps which was The Wolf they thought they were hunting back in episode 2

· Present day and Meyer is dragged out from the river where the car crashed by Sister Harriet (Kate Mulvany)

· Meyer goes back to HQ with Harriet and says to Jonah that it was up to him to lead the Hunters in the future but as he let Travis (Greg Austin) go he wasn’t so sure

· Millie’s (Jerrika Hinton) mother died in hospital when the attack on the Nazi factory was going down and Millie goes to visit her

· Millie then travels to the cells to see Travis, she offers him and deal to give up all the Nazi’s and to get him a reduced sentence, Travis teases her about what Jonah would think if he were hearing this now

· Millie heads back to her apartment where she is greeted by a congresswoman who recruits her to track down Nazi’s in America

· Travis’ parents arrive at the prison and say they don’t understand what happened to him, through crocodile tears Travis asks for a Jewish Lawyer

· Meanwhile Biff (Dylan Baker) has gone to get a new passport disguise only by a moustache and glasses! He flies to Russia

· Jonah goes back to his house and begins to read’s Ruth’s diary entries from the war again, explaining that the wolf was arrested, and Ruth and Meyer went free and whilst in rehabilitation Meyer got nightmares

· Jonah remembers something about Ruth’s cookbook and so goes looking in there to find a file of a Nazi who he thinks might have been the real wolf

· Jonah goes to the doctor’s office – who is a plastic surgeon – Jonah knocks the doctor out and takes him back to Meyer’s house

· Meyer takes a knife and stabs it through the doctor’s skull which terrifies Jonah

· MEYER REVEALS HE IS THE WOLF – the doctor who he killed was the one who did the plastic surgery on the wolf to make him look like Meyer –

· Meyer tells Jonah about how to live he had to become Meyer and has been praying and attending mass like a Jew, but it comes down to him wanting to kill in cold blood

· Jonah grabs a fun and shoots Meyer – the Wolf – and stabs him too

· Jonah reveals to the hunters the truth about Meyer (The Wolf), but Joe (Louis Ozawa) in anger leaves only to be run over and kidnapped

· Travis Jewish lawyer arrives, Travis says that he wants to stay in prison to recruit others for the Fourth Reich and so kills the Jewish man in front of the whole prison to show his power

· Jonah tells the hunters that Millie is now hunting the Nazi’s in America and Sister Harriet suggests that they move to Europe to take them out there instead

· Cut to Argentina where Joe was kidnapped, he is brought to a dinner table, next to male kids with blonde hair and blue eyes, The Colonel (Lena Olin) who has survived, sits opposite

· Lastly, the episode finale ends on the final member sitting down to eat, which is an aging Adolf Hitler!

They have obviously left the series open for another one and whilst the series has some out of body, ridiculous moments of absurd madness, I think bringing Hitler into the series is a bit toooooooo out there. I’m not sure what direction series two will go in if we have lost Meyer and gain a Hitler! One thing is for sure, I will definitely be watching out for when the next series launches!

Stream the full series on Amazon Prime Video.

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