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HUNTERS Episode 1 - RECAP 💎💎💎💎

Updated: May 5, 2020

(May Contain Spoilers)

After watching Netflix’s Unorthodox (2020), I was quite intrigued to see what Jewish stories Amazon Prime had to tell to rival this series, which brings me to Hunters. When watching the trailer, I thought the series looked like it had a good storyline and cinematography, and when watching it I was right, however I was confused by the story in the trailer, but was made clear when watching the first episode. The premise setup in episode 1 is in late 70’s America there were surviving holocaust Jews living amongst the Nazi’s that used to torture them, therefore the Jewish community have begun to fight back by taking an eye for an eye. However, there is also a new generation from both sides being brought up to create the fourth Reich.

What We Learnt:

  • At an American suburban house gathering a Jewish woman recognises the man of the house to be ‘The Butcher’, a Nazi.

  • The Butcher then kills everyone at his gaff

  • Jonah (Logan Lerman) is a young kid being a drug dealer and gets beat up by some older kids

  • Jonah likes Carol (Ebony Obsidian)

  • Jonah goes home to his Grandmother, Ruth (Jeannie Berlin) who tends to his wounds and finds out he is drug dealing

  • Jonah is not very wealthy and only has his Grandmother

  • A Nazi comes into Ruth’s house and kills her in cold blood

  • Jonah meets Meyer (Al Pacino) at Ruth’s funeral and Meyer gives Jonah his card to call in a favour

  • Jonah finds a secret box in Ruth’s draw containing diary notes and the star of David from the camps

  • Jonah goes to the beach with his friends and see a group of hooligans – that look like The Warriors (1979) and tries to talk to them to see if they know anything about who killed Ruth and offer them weed, but the cops come

  • A Nasa woman gets gassed in her shower

  • Millie (Kerrika Hinton) a detective goes to find the NASA woman who was gassed and looks into her murder

  • Jonah calls on his favour with Meyer who bails him out and invites him to his house

  • Meyer and Jonah have a chess game, where Meyer tells Jonah about camp stories, one about The Wolf who made a real chess table from the prisoners and got them to kill each other

  • The Wolf got slits on his throat in the shape of an X

  • Jonah finds a hidden room in Meyers house and finds that there is a picture of the guy who killed Ruth so takes it and runs

  • The butcher who killed the people at the beginning calls Travis (Greg Austin) to help clean up

  • Travis is a creepy neo-nazi who threatens a senator to change his vote (to what we don’t know)

  • Jonah tracks down the guy and sees he has X scar mark on his neck and Jonah realises he is the wolf

  • The wolf managed to hit Jonah and tie him up but manages to escape

  • Meyer comes to the rescue and shoot the wolf as Jonah was too scared

  • Jonah is introduced to the same Jewish group who are trying to take out all the Nazi’s living in America

  • Travis is introduced to The Colonel (Lena Olin) who wants him to start looking into the murdered Nazi’s and declares a fourth Reich.

I really enjoyed this episode and just writing down what happened I realised it was a lot! I think it is great that there are multiple stories line going at the same time that all interlink, but the characters don’t know how yet, but we do, so I am intrigued to see how the characters find out. The detective work and the direction of the show I really love as we are doing the detective work too and although some of it is obvious, I think it is done in a clever way to. Al Pacino’s performance was wonderful, I actually haven’t seen a lot of his work, but want to now I have seen this, his delivery was spot on. I am looking forward to how the rest of the series progresses!

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