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Hanna - Episode 6 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

This episode was more like it! More got revealed, the top point was that there are actually other girls like Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles), but it is not known to anyone, but Erik (Joel Kinnaman) finds out towards the end of the episode. I was completely wrong however about Sophie (Rhianne Barreto) finding Hanna naked next to Anton (Gamba Cole) and that she rated her out, because it was not as black and white as that. I enjoyed this episode a lot more, which proves more why the episode before lacked substance and felt out of place in the wider series.

What We Learnt:

  • Sophie’s friend, Dan (Leo Glanagan) got Hanna’s birth certificate and googled her

  • Sophie did find out about Anton and Hanna through instinct that something was going on between them and the attitude he had towards her

  • Sophie and Hanna has a fight and asked her to leave

  • Marissa (Mireille Enos) goes to Sophie’s home posing as Hanna’s mum

  • Hanna finds out Marissa is there and tries to runaway

  • Marissa gets Sophie to talk and meets with Hanna pretending to be Sophie

  • Marissa offers Hanna a deal to tell her everything and not harm Sophie’s family if she goes with her

  • Marissa and Hanna go back to say goodbye to Sophie

  • In the meantime, Dan tells Sophie his google results, showing Hanna’s birth place is blackout on google maps

  • Sophie gets Hanna’s birth certificate and realise Marissa is not Hanna’s mother and tires to help her

  • Hanna doesn’t want to harm them so goes along with Marissa

  • In the meantime, Erik is being tortured and finally goes to be killed, however he turns it around and attacks them

  • Erik’s signs into a CIA laptop to find where Hanna is but discovers there are more experiments like her

  • Hanna and Marissa turn up to a hotel and we start seeing some heart from Marissa Erik flies over to England

  • Hanna is told Erik is dead but with her supersonic hearing hears him calling her so knows Marissa is lying

  • Funny moment where Erik gets into the lift with Marissa and takes Hanna away Hanna and Erik escape

  • The episode finishes on the girls like Hanna training

I really enjoyed this episode and finding out Hanna is not the only one, that is a twist I wasn’t expecting. I have been wrong so far with my predictions of what I thought would happen so am excited to see what actually does happen! I was so routing for Erik and glad he got out, however was confused how the CIA’s private helicopter got to the hotel is less time than Erik who took a flight from an airport. I felt this episode brought back the action and it was nice to see some more emotion from other characters and a stronger character arch for Marissa.
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