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Hanna - Episode 4 RECAP 💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

This series keeps building up the tension! The only thin out of this episode that I don’t really understand was after Erik (Joel Kinnaman) kidnapped Marissa (Mireille Enos) he only wanted to get a plane away from her! Why did he not just kill her? Despite this confusion, the episode showed Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles) finding out that Erik is not her father and concluding with Hanna running away. There were points in this episode where I was not sure what was going to happen because so much was going on, and to be honest I still don’t but enjoyed it anyway and hope that the next episode clears up some of my confusion.

What We Learnt:

· Marissa has been taken hostage by Erik

· Hanna is taken back to Dieter’s (Benno Furmann) house, one of Erik old army friends

· Erik gets Marissa to take make phone calls to CIA people

· Erik kills Marissa colleague in front of her showing she should go operate or her Parisian lover and son will die

· Dieter works for a company that transports cauliflowers from Germany to England, but also is involved in human trafficking

· Hannah follows Dieter to Erik where she overhears Erik and Marissa discussing the truth about who she is

· Dieter is given a slip, which Hanna later confiscates at it is her birth certificate showing Erik is not her biological father

· Dieter was also given paper with a number on which Hanna rings is discovers it is Sophie (Rhianne Barreto) (maybe a loose end to tie up?)

· Erik gets Marissa to call another colleague to meet her and authorise a flight out of the country, saying she has Erik hostage

· People in higher authoritative positions take over the CIA office and know Marissa is the one being held hostage

· The CIA call the plane to trap Erik

· Erik and Hanna arrive at the airfield meanwhile Rudi (Stefan Rudolf) is asked to kill Marissa but Jerome (Khalid Abdalla) comes in and kills him, rescuing Marissa

· Hanna asks Erik who her father is and if he killed her mother and shows him her birth certificate, he lies, and she runs away

· Cars drive onto the airfield and Erik realises he was set-up so he runs but is shot

· Erik’s friends help him into a car

· Hanna escapes in one of Dieter’s trucks without the driver knowing

The were some great action moments in this episode but the confusion over why Erik kidnapped Marissa if he was only using her to escape the country is still unclear. Obviously, I was shouting at the screen for Rudi to pull the trigger, but he was too late and got shot himself. I thought it was great to see Hanna become more independent and get closer to finding out who she really is. The one question still not answered is WHY these babies were called for in the first place, what was the experiment? Just to create an army of train soldiers from birth?! Hopefully, this will come clearer as the series progresses
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