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Hanna - Episode 2 RECAP 💎💎💎

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

(May Contain Spoilers)

I enjoyed watching Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles) make a new friend and discover more about the world. It’s safe to say Hanna is smart but not street smart and if she was it could make her invincible! There was less action in this episode but we got to see more of Hanna’s emotions (little of them she has) and build a friendship with Sophie (Rhianne Barreto)

What We Learnt:

  • Sophie goes on holiday to Morocco with her family

  • Hanna has been locked in captivity by the CIA in a facility in morocco (conveniently)

  • Hanna escapes the facility and meets Sophie who is on a walk away from her families bickering

  • Hanna gets a lift with the family

  • Sophie throws a fit and demands to go home as there is no use mending a broken marriage

  • Sophie smuggles Hanna into the camper-van to cross the border

  • On her arrival Hanna is discovered and found and stalked

  • The family drive and stop-over in France

  • Erik (Joel Kinnaman) gets to a butchers (presumably in Poland) shaved, don’t know how that happened and gets lard

  • Erik lards himself up to swim to Berlin

  • Marissa (Mireille Enos) visit Erik’s mother in Germany and asks if she has heard from her son and if she does to contact them

  • Hanna and Sophie go out clubbing where Hanna drinks for the first time and kisses a boy

  • Hanna gets dropped off at the train station by the family Sophie takes her inside the station but men are waiting

  • Hanna attacks the men, runs on the train platform and jumps onto a train

I think this episode was sweet and I hope there is some more interaction between Hanna and Sophie, otherwise there developed friendship would have gone to waste and made this episode void. I enjoy seeing new parts of Hanna’s personality, I think the lack of action was made up by Hanna discovering new things and herself. It is unclear what has happened to the father but my guess is him and Hanna are heading to his mothers in Germany. Cannot wait for the next episode
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