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HANNA Episode 1 (2020) - RECAP 💎💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles) is back! I have been waiting for what feels like forever and I only watched series 1 at the beginning of lockdown in March! I am so happy that it is back on our screens and this season starts right where we left off where Hannah and Clara (Yasmin Money Prince) are in the woods. Hanna seems to have become the ‘Erik’ from season 1 and takes Clara under her wing and it is so nice to see how she has progressed and become more confident from season 1 and starting at this position, I’m looking forward to seeing how her story continues. However, I would say that for episode one the story line focused more on Clara than Hanna.

What We Learnt:

  • Hanna and Clara are hiding up in a forest in Romania

  • The rest of the Trainees who were evacuated from Utrax have gone to a new facility in North England called The Meadows

  • John (Dermot Mulroney) goes to Marissa (Mireille Enos) to ask for her help to track down Clara

  • John knows that Marissa lied about Erik shooting her and that she has an attachment to Hanna

  • Terri (Cherrelle Skeete) a newly trained CIA agent is taken on by the Utrax scheme to control and manifest the trainees social media

  • Leo (Anthony Welsh) is in charge of the new Meadows scheme

  • The trainees are told that they are going through to the next stage of their training process into socialisation

  • The trainees are given new identities, names and fake backstory

  • Marissa and John interview Sandy (Áine Rose Daly), the blonde trainee that looked like she was becoming self aware too, and they interview her about Clara’s disappearance

  • Clara talks to Hanna questioning if they are going to stay in the forest forever

  • Clara and Hanna break into a cabin in the woods and Clara steals a photograph of a mother and daughter

  • Marissa says to John that Clara found out about her mother and will try and found her so they make a fake social media profile

  • Clara runs off to the cabin to find the mother and daughter and seek their help to find her mother

  • The mother and daughter find Clara’s mum on Facebook and take her to her

  • Marissa is the one who greets Clara and tells her that her mother died after birth and to take her back to the facility

  • Meanwhile CIA operatives go to the cabin and have a shootout with Hanna and the cabin explodes

  • Hanna survives and finds the mother and daughter who own the cabin and ask where they took Clara

There was so much that happened in this episode and therefore am really excited to see how the series progresses. As I have seen promotional pictures I am aware that Hanna goes to the Meadows facility and dies her hair blonde, but I am looking forward to how they do this. I was also quite taken with Aine Daly performance in this episode.

Stream Season 2 now on Amazon Prime Video.

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