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RuPaul's Drag Race (2020) REVIEW - 💎💎💎💎

(May Contain Spoilers)

I really enjoyed this season as there were soooo many talented queens and even though each season Ru says that ‘this season’ is the best season, I actually think that was half true for this (but everyone knows the best season 6 was season with Bianca Del Rio)!

Below is a list of the competing Queens and the order they sashayed away:

12. Dahila Sin

11. Rock M. Sakura

10. Nicky Doll

9. Aiden Zhane

8. Brita

7. Jan

6. Widow Von’Du

5. Heidi N Closet

4. Jackie Cox

3. Sherry Pie (DISQUALIFIED)

2. Gigi Goode

2. Crystal Methyd

1. Jaida Essence Hall

The contestant was voted Miss Congeniality by the other queens was HEIDI N CLOSET

The biggest T to come out of this season was Sherry Pie and what she was accused of, so just a

little reminder here was the statement that came up on the screen:

"In light of recent developments and Sherry Pie's statement, Sherry Pie has been disqualified from RuPaul's Drag Race. Out of respect for the hard work of the other queens, VH1 will air the season as planned. Sherry will not appear in the grand finale scheduled to be filmed later this spring."

Statement from VH1 and World of Wonder.

To reiterate, Sherry Pie whose real name is Joey Gugliemelli, catfished young men claiming to get them a career on Broadway and to send sexually suggestive pictures and videos. A total of seven victims had come forward and therefore World of Wonder decide to continue the season but disqualify Sherry Pie and try to edit her out as much as possible…and they succeed, you barely noticed she was there and the did a good job of editing around her. Gugliemelli, didn’t appear in the final, although made it to fourth place, and I think as Sherry Pie was disqualified, they should have welcomed back the eliminated queen who just missed out on the change of top four, Jackie Cox!

This season was completely different, not only for the T split during the season, but also the ending as it was an edited zoom call amongst all the queens and the final lip syncs took part in the queens apartments. I felt sorry for the top three queens who were not able to prance about the stage and instead did it in their apartment, but because of this there was also more creativity that come from it. The queens individual lip sync and song was chosen by them to reveal more about their personality, which I thought was a great touch!

I have to say, regarding the finale, that (as much as I love her) Jaida’s individual lip sync wa no where near as creative as Gigi and Crystal’s and I think it should have been between them two, however Jaida won and based on the final lip sync it would be between her and Gigi. Even though I was team Methyd I do feel that in the finale Gigi Goode stole the show in every challenge, the close up she was using very muscle in her face, her own lip sync was creative and unique and her last battle lip sync she was fierce and therefore think she should have won but am equally happy Jaida did.

I do want to highlight my top moments in the season:

  • Jackie Cox love for her heritage and wearing it on her sleeve was the best moments of the series

  • Nicky Doll went too early and think she had so much more to give, I thought she was going to make top 6 at least!

  • Aiden Zhane, I thought should have gone earlier, but since the finale has seen a different side to her that we didn’t see on the show and have warmed up to her a little more

  • The funniest moment was when Jan thought she has hands down won the Madonna challenge and was sooooo angry when she was SAFE!

  • Heidi N Closest was one of my favourites and was sad she didn’t make top 4 but super happy she got Miss Congeniality (it was between her and Jackie Cox for me)

  • Best guest judge was Jeff Goldblum

  • The challenge that stood out to me the most this season was Madonna the unauthorised Rusical

  • Crystal’s as an exotic dancer to the celebs on the episode One-Queen Show was the best!

  • Best fashion queen – Gigi Goode and Nicky Doll

  • Worst fashion Queen – Widow Von’Du

I really enjoyed this season, I think the makers did a great job of cutting Sherry out, but also think that the queens seemed to get along with one another and although there was some T split in untucked they came together again which was nice solidarity. My favourite queens were Heidi, Crystal, and Gigi. I cannot wait to see what they do next and hope that Heidi and Crystal and invited to an All Stars season!

Watch Seasons 1-12 on Netflix now

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