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Ocean's Eleven (2001) REVIEW - 💎💎💎

Updated: May 29, 2020

(May Contain Spoilers)

I thought I had watched most of the ocean films, but I think I was too young to remember, and I started a Brad Pitt Marathon so includes Ocean’s Eleven to watch. I haven’t watched a great heist movie in a very long time and was very after watching this film, there were a few twists and turns which made the film interesting and not predictable. George Clooney and Brad Pitt’s performance were great, there was some dry wit and humour, which you want in this type of film.

Starting with Danny Ocean (George Clooney) who is recently released from prison for being caught in a money heist and related to other money heists. As soon as Danny gets out, he starts contacting his previous associates as he has a plan to rob three casinos in Las Vegas. The person who owns all three of these casinos is Terry Benedict (Andy García) who is the same person who “stole” Danny’s wife away from his, Tess Ocean (Julia Roberts). Danny recruits some old friends and some new faces (all men!) to rob the one volt, which contains all the money from three casinos.

Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt) is Danny’s right hand man and after he finds out that Danny wants to rob the casino, because it is the man who is now dating his wife he tries to pull Danny out of the robbery because he has too much at stake and is a risk to the operation. We witness the team build a replica volt and test out stealing the money, as well as Basher (Don Cheadle) crawling through the sewers to blow the power in the whole city. It is no surprise that the gang succeed and manage to steal all of the money, however Danny get caught up with Terry who thinks that he is something to do with it so goes to prison again for a few months but just before he does Tess says he loves him and will wait for him, fast forward 5 or 6 months and Danny is set free from prison. Onto Oceans Twelve.

An all-star cast, with some great witty lines and a great little twist towards the end with the heist. Although, looking back at this film as a 21st century feminist I do have some concerns over Tess’s sudden decision to flee back to Danny right at the end. Additionally, apart from Julia Roberts who is a very passive character, there are no women in the money heist crew, and I think they could have done with some to change up the dynamic in the group. Entertaining, witty and clever.

Available now on Netflix.

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